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13th Annual IRWA Sportsman Raffle

A huge thank you to all the vendors who donated and everyone who bought tickets for this year’s sportsman’s raffle. Thirty-Six Vendors and Regional Systems donated to the raffle this year. And amazing donations they were! Up for raffle was a Hawkeye Men’s Basketball game package, a getaway fishing trip, a sweet little yellow lab puppy, and so much more. This year, the amazing donation from Utility Equipment Company and Kennedy Valve of a Polaris ATV was the star of the show! Many thanks to both companies for their true generosity by providing such a fabulous prize to celebrate our 50th year. The vendor hall was a buzz with such grand raffle donations! A very special thank you to volunteers and Sportsman’s Raffle Committee members Pete Buckingham of Surveying and Mapping, Gary Brons of McClure, Jason Loots of CIT Solutions, Patrick Harrington with Peerless Well and Pumps, Dr. Carl Tolbert of Malloy Electric, Dewey Prinzing of KLM Engineering, Tracey Gunnarson, Ruth Coons, and Jill Lansing for all your hard work during the raffle. This year’s raffle raised an AMAZING $10,915.00. The IRWA Staff promise to put these funds to good use! IRWA has a couple of big-ticket items we are saving for that are sure to benefit our small communities and systems throughout the State. Thank you again to all who made this year’s raffle a fantastic success. From the volunteers to the vendors and participants, your contributions of time and money are truly appreciated.

Sportsman Raffle Chairperson
Katie Bohrman, WHKS & Company

Email Katie

Sportsman Raffle Donations

Our latest and best photos of the 2025 Sportsman Raffle Donations and Winners

ACCO Unlimited

Beck Engineering

Bolton & Menk

Cahoy Well & Pump

CIT Sewer Solutions

Clow Valve

Core and Main

Dakota Supply Group

DGR Engineering

Dixon Engineering

Electric Pump

Garden & Associates

Gurney & Associates

Hawkins Water Treatment


JEO Consulting

KLM Engineering


Malloy Electric

Marsh & McLennan


Northway Well & Pump

Osceola County RW

Peerless Well & Pump

Quality Flow Systems

Snyder and Associates


USG Water Solutions





WTR Solutions