Welcome to Iowa
Rural Water Association

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woman on bike reaching for man's hand behind her also on bike

IRWA Mission Statement

To serve Iowa’s Public Water and Wastewater Systems by providing technical assistance, education, leadership in legal and legislative affairs, financial and economic growth, and excellence in the industry.

IRWA Membership Portal

We have Great News! IRWA has a new Membership Database! Our new database will give you the advantage of being able to update your membership information during an online event registration or any time of the year.  The new IRWA Member Portal also allows you to review your registrations, invoices, receipts and Continuing Education Credits. 

We are pleased to present to you with this great new member benefit. Please take a moment to create your new IRWA Member Portal login and review your membership information.

Member Portal

USDA Rural Development Water Programs

Call to Action
Fund Water Infrastructure - Stand Up for USDA Rural Development!
Rural Development will continue to play a vital role in modernizing, preserving, and protecting rural America’s infrastructure and public health. You can help secure its future today by signing the pledge and writing to your Congressional representatives today. Providing adequate support and resources necessary to protect and enhance the environment, public health, sustainability of utilities, and economic vitality of rural America with clean, affordable, and safe water service is a primary responsibility for our federal elected officials.

For More Information - Download